All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, therefore I have made sure that I do something fun whenever I'm done working in the old-people's home that I do now. And what could be more fun and calming than listening to the lovely, yet currently rather inactive, Danish pop band Ibens? Nothing in my opinion. I am the proud owner of their album "17 hits" which incidentally, apart from being filled with amazing, classic Ibens sounds, lovely lyrics etc., also features a couple of the tracks from Carsten Lykke (vocals) own album "selvoptaget". Definitely worth taking the time to listen properly to. To me Ibens means sitting inside when its raining, drinking tea, reading crappy teenage litterature and getting slightly drunk, I love this band and I am in awe of their amazing skills when it comes to creating beautiful yet subtle lyrics describing every-day life.
Listen to it on myspace.
- Andrae
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