My old hands demonstrating the graphic design of certain works in the category 'danish chick litterature' ("Nynnes Dagbog" and "En som mig") What I find quite interesting is the similarity - the whole patterny-colourfull-ness of both the books, and obviously the way the titles are written in different styles and sizes, much like were they cut out of some newspapers. I am currently kinda reading both books and the larger one ("En som mig") is about a girl at the age of 18 whilst the infamous Nynne is about a woman in her late 30's following her until the middle of her 40's. Does this particular way of creating the cover for a book appeal to 'heterosexual' people defined by society as 'female' of ALL ages?? I am wondering...

Drawing by Juhan called "If I had a ham I'd smash patriarchy...I found it"(the Ham red.)
She drew it on our 'Juhan and Andrae's day of fun and feminist artistry'. It's gorgeous, I think.
- Andrae
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